del senyor Esteve
L'auca del senyor Esteve '' is a very popular novel by Santiago
Rusiñol. This is the live of Esteve, the novel explains his life:
from that he born to his died. The fisrts 12 chapters Esteve is a
boy, in second part, He is an adult in 8 chapters and finally, is an
old man. This book always follows the same line, explaining the life
of a person living in Barcelona.
Aigües encantades
Aigües encantades '' is a novel by Joan Puig i Ferreter. This
history is about Cecilia, a girl who lives the separation of her town
because of draught. The people separated in two systems:
traditionalist and conservative. But Cecilia already had their own
problems, Amat, her dad, not allow the love between her and her
beloved. Finnaly, Cecilia escape with her beloved to other city.
do the main characters want with the society?
their ideas are respected.
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